文件大小:080.46 MB 吴文俊全集-数学机械化卷 Ⅴ
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本卷收录了吴文俊在数学机械化领域发表的46篇论文,内容包括:几何定理机器证明的吴方法、多项式系统符号求解的Ritt-吴特征列方法、构造性微分代数几何理论、不等式机器证明与优化问题的有限核定理等数学机械化领域的奠基性成果,还包括数学机械化方法在数学定理的自动发现、天体中心构型问题求解、平面机构定理的机器证明、机器人的运动学问题的自动求解、几何设计中的曲面拼接等问题中的应用。 [1]
1. On the Decision Problem and the Mechanization of Theorem-Proving in Elementary Geometry
2. 初等微分几何的机械化证明
3. 初等微分几何的机械化证明
5. Some Remarks on Mechanical Theorem-Proving in Elementary Geometry
6. Some Recent Advances in Mechanical Theorem-Proving of Geometries
7. Basic Principles of Mechanical Theorem Proving in Elementary Geometries
8. A Constructive Theory of Differential Algebraic Geometry Based on Works of J.F.Ritt with Particular Applications to Mechanical Theorem-Proving of Differential Geometries
9. On Zeros of Algebraic Equations||An Application of Ritt Principle
10. A Mechanization Method of Geometry IElementary Geometry
11. A Mechanization Method of Geometry and its Applications I. Distances, Areas and Volumes
14. A Mechanization Method of Geometry and its Applications II. Curve Pairs of Bertrand Type
15. On Reducibility Problem in Mechanical Theorem Proving of Elementary Geometies
17. A Mechanization Method of Geometry and its Applications III. Mechanical Proving of Polynomial Inequalities and Equations-Solving
18. 几何学机械化方法及其应用
19. A Mechanization Method of Geometry and its Applications IV. Some Theorems in Planar Kinematics
20. On the Foundation of Algebraic Differential Geometry
21. On the Generic Zero and Chow Basis of an Irreducible Ascending Set
22. A Mechanization Method of Geometry and its Applications V. Solving Transcendental Equations by Algebraic Methods
23. A Mechanization Method of Geometry and its Applications VI. Solving Inverse Kinematic Equations of PUMA-Type Robots (A Sketch)
24. On a Projection Theorem of Quasivarieties in Elimination Theory
25. On the Chemical Equilibrium Problem and Equations-Solving
26. Decomposition Theorems for the Zero-set of an Ordinary or Differential Polynomial Set and Their Applications
27. On the Construction of Groebner Basis of a Polynomial Ideal Based on Riquier-Janet Theory
28. Mechanical Theorem Proving of Differential Geometries and Some of its Applications in Mechanics
29. On a Finiteness Theorem about Optimization Problems
30. A Report on Mechanical Geometry Theorem Proving
31. On the Char-Set Method and the Linear Equations Method of Nonlinear Polynomial Equations-Solving
32. A Mechanization Method of Equations-Solving and Theorem-Proving
33. On Problems Involving Inequalities
34. On a Linear Equations Method of Nonlinear Polynomial Equations-Solving
35. On a Hybrid Method of Polynomial Equations Solving
36. On Surface-Fitting Problem in CAGD
37. On a Finiteness Theorem about Problems Involving Inequalities
38. CAGD中代数曲面拟合问题
39. Some Remarks on Factorization and GCD of Multivariate Polynomials
40. Central Con-gurations in Planet Motions and Vortex Motions
41. On Algebrico-Differential Equations-Solving
42. On “Good” Bases of Algebraico-Differential Ideals
44. Polynomial Equations-Solving and its Applications
45. Mathematics Mechanization and Applications after Thirty Years
46. 分角线相等的三角形——初等几何机器证明问题 [2]